At 360 Branding, we believe in systematic gifting and touches to keep you top of mind to your clients, which helps with client retention. We help bridge the gap of turning your clients into raving fans! We have a huge passion for helping others grow their company or personal business to achieve their dreams. We enjoy helping others implement systems that help their business grow and thrive as they wish to see. We love having the opportunity to bring high-quality, unforgettable products to consumers and business owners who want to put their best foot forward with their valued clients. If we are a fit to work together, we look forward to helping you grow your business, implement the right systems, turning your clients into raving fans, and increasing your client retention and referral base.


68% of Americans that leave their salesperson do so because they sense indifference. Over 90% of Americans use a different Realtor the next time they buy or sell a home. We live in a digital world, and our clients are constantly being marketed to by others in the industry.

On average, less than 10% of American’s can name their realtor after 2 years of buying/selling a home. Over 85% loved working with their realtor & said they would use them again.

​The #1 reason why they don’t use a prior salesperson or Realtor?


Someone or another company was simply giving your client more attention and remaining top of mind at a higher level.

It’s 5x more expensive to get a new client than it is to maintain a current client, work with them the rest of their life, and extract referrals. It’s recommended to reinvest 5-10% of your commissions back into your clients to help with staying top of mind.

The #1 reason why they don’t use a prior salesperson or Realtor?


– Never consumed

– Used & loved daily

– 100% tax deductible

– Easy system in place

– Best quality of its kind

– Best way to place your name in front of your clients on a daily basis in a classy way (T.O.M.A)

– Used in the Kitchen with Friends and Family


– 90% of gifts are consumed in the first 2 weeks

-Most lasting gifts aren’t useful or remembered

-Only $25 tax deduction

-Time intensive

-Questionable quality

-Most ‘Branded’ gifts are chintzy

-Not socially engaging

We help you create loyal clients and retain them for life with the lowest cost per touch marketing tool.